
Showing posts from November, 2023

18 Types of People on Social Media

 18  TYPES OF PEOPLE ON FACEBOOK, Instagram or any Social Media.  YOU kNOW WHO YOU ARE AND WE ALL HAVE AT LEAST ONE OF EACH OF THESE TYPES OF FRIENDS ON OUR LIST... 1) The "Lurker" - Never posts anything or comments on your post, but reads everything, and might make reference to your status if they... see you in public. 2) The "Hyena" - Doesn't ever really say anything, just LOLs and LMAOs at everything. ...  3) "Mr/Ms Popular" - Has 4367 friends for NO reason. 4) The "Gamer" - Plays Words With Friends, Mafia Wars, Bakes virtual cakes and stuff, etc., ALL DAY. 5) The "Prophet" - Every post makes reference to God or Jesus. 6) The "Thief" - Steals status updates... and will probably steal this one. 7) The "Cynic" - Hates their life, and everything in it, as evidenced by the somber tone in ALL of their status updates. 8) The "Collector" - Never posts anything either, but joins every group, and becomes fans...

Teachable Mindset

10 WAYS TO DEVELOP A TEACHABLE MINDSET. Everyone has two teach-ability indexes, which consist of two variables: the willingness to learn and willingness to adapt to new information. For example, if your willingness to learn from a scale from 1 to 10 =10; but your willingness to adapt to new information is zero then your teachability index is non-existent.  There are 4 phases that individual undergoes when adapting to new information: Unconscious Incompetence ( the phase that your not certain if you heard or know about the subject matter either being discussed or taught), Conscious Incompetence ( after hearing subjective or topic, you are conscious that you have no idea what’s being discussed or taught), Conscious competence ( where you know about the topic or subject matter being discussed or taught but it has trigger your memory), and last but not least- Unconscious Competence ( Where the information is internalized becoming a part of  you with certainty of knowing your name ...