Pastor Zachery Tims:
Unfortunately he died before his time an unexpected and untimely death, which was not only shocking but indeed very sad. There was a question up in the air that has never have been answered: " How is it that Pastor Zachery Tims could be around alleged supposedly anointed individuals but not one of them could discern or pickup on his private struggle?"
Well I, Eliyahu Shemuel Ben Yah(Dr. A.A.Perez) is going to tell my side of the story. And I am before the presence of Almighty Yahweh of what I'm about to say. May he erase my name from The Book of Life if I'm lying to ya'll.
But as a witness was Apostle Dr Kirby Gant , where I still remember that weekend of that year where Pastor Zachery Tims was pronounced dead in New York City in a hotel room.
It was a Wednesday past midnight going on Thursday where I had a woken up from my horrible dream where I saw that death had come for pastor Zachery Tims. I explained the dream or the nightmare in details to Dr. Kirby, where where he immediately then proceeded to put a phone call through to Pastor Zachery Tims personal cell phone. I did not know that dr. Kirby had his phone number, neither in all honesty though I had admired him from afar but he was not even considered among my favorite preachers, basically he was not on my mind like that.
That's why it was a shocker for me as to why would I have a dream like that of a well-known preacher that I personally did not know. But anyways Dr Kirby Gant left a voicemail on Pastor Zachery Tims stating that there was an emergency where it was in his best interest to answer us back and we got a text from Pastor Zachery Tims stating that he was busy at the time but that he will call tomorrow sometime throughout the day. That phone call never happened. He never returned the call. It was not until Sunday after I accompanied Dr. Kirby to New Jersey where he was preaching, where he got a phone call where they informed him of Pastor Zachery Tims death and a witness to that was Bishop Kevin and Pastor Tina Holmes. We both shouted and yelled in disbelief. Dr. Kirby Gant and myself immediately begin to put it via social media which in fact Charisma magazine credited us both for reporting the death of Pastor Zachery Tims first at even secular media level. I was so disgruntled that I locked myself in a fast for 3 days in prayer questioning Yahweh. My question was: " why would the most high reveal to me an event concerning his servant but yet his life was not spared?"... I got my answer but I reserved my answer that I got from Yahweh. But anyway to answer the question that has been left up in the air: " Did anybody know about Pastor Zachery Tims struggle and why did they not help them?" The first I can answer it and the latter part of the question I can speculate.
First of all Pastor Zachery Tims had two main friends who are well-known preachers and supposedly allegedly there still under pending investigation by the New York City Police Department because of Pastor Zachery Tims death and them being recorded coming out of the hotel room with some females and booze. and that's all the Liberty I have to express on that. We got this information from a reliable source at that time that we were was connected with of the NYPD.
Now to answer the latter part of the question, a whole lot of folks knew of the struggle that Pastor Zachery Tims had but they never said anything either because they had the same struggle or simply they live the lifestyle that was so Unbecoming of the holy scriptures.
It is a sad story and I pray that we all learn from this lesson well. SHALOM SHALOM

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