ABBA Kadosh declares to HIS elected and chosen ones, I will turn your captivity when you make happen for others what you want Me to do for you. Greater love and sacrifice has no comparison as it pertains, when my children lay down their life for another. Clarion call to demonstrate love that I have shown you and the love that is selfless in that which I’m calling you to do. The assignment and path of righteousness is not always easy, and it isn't about loving others on THEIR terms or YOUR terms but on MY TERMS. I so loved that I gave my best and not second hand. Allow My generosity of spirit and an open hand become your love language. Many of children languish in captivity of spirit, relationship, and poverty because they will NOT pursue this initiative. Generosity that mirrors My character begins in emptiness like the widow with the two mites - and then the detonation of supply of abundance, peace, joy, health, wealth and overwhelming blessings comes.
These actions and works of faith will offend many because it is a self indictment against themselves. They will unfortunately exclude themselves thus robbing themselves from a grand opportunity of self-improvement.  My truths provoke many protestations and excuses ( such as: you don't know what I'm facing, etc., etc.). Tragically they also are excluded. Open your heart. Be correctable. Be bendable, sendable, and spendable. Correction, and rebuke should not be a challenge to my children who want to live pleasing onto me. I know you want something different than what you are experiencing. If you want something different, you must do something different because what you are doing is producing what you are experiencing. Rise up. Change your heart. Get rid of all those poverty mentality, woe is me attitudes. The world is a broken place, and many people are suffering. It can be difficult to see the good in the world and even more difficult to love those who have hurt you or are different from you. Put aside the thought, "I can't do that because they haven't earned it!" Have you earned what I have so freely given you? If you won't give because you think others are undeserving is a betrayal of a hidden idol in your hearts.
PURCHASE THIS BOOK 72 DAYS OF INSPIRED PROPHETIC WORDS: Prophetic Utterances for ETERNITY ON AMAZON: www.amazon.com/author/eliyahushmuel
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